* @file
* Theme override for a field.
* To override output, copy the "field.html.twig" from the templates directory
* to your theme's directory and customize it, just like customizing other
* Drupal templates such as page.html.twig or node.html.twig.
* Instead of overriding the theming for all fields, you can also just override
* theming for a subset of fields using
* @link themeable Theme hook suggestions. @endlink For example,
* here are some theme hook suggestions that can be used for a field_foo field
* on an article node type:
* - field--node--field-foo--article.html.twig
* - field--node--field-foo.html.twig
* - field--node--article.html.twig
* - field--field-foo.html.twig
* - field--text-with-summary.html.twig
* - field.html.twig
* Available variables:
* - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
* - label_hidden: Whether to show the field label or not.
* - title_attributes: HTML attributes for the title.
* - label: The label for the field.
* - multiple: TRUE if a field can contain multiple items.
* - items: List of all the field items. Each item contains:
* - attributes: List of HTML attributes for each item.
* - content: The field item's content.
* - entity_type: The entity type to which the field belongs.
* - field_name: The name of the field.
* - field_type: The type of the field.
* - label_display: The display settings for the label.
* @ingroup templates
* @see template_preprocess_field()
The Team 2020
The Paul Arène workshop celebrated its 30th years in 2018 !
We work in the landscape and urban in many regions in France.
With my team, we design projects in our workshop with our convictions of protecting our land, water and improving the landscape. It is with landscape companies that we implement our various concepts according to the rules of the art.
For several years now, we have also been accompanying gardeners on site to guide them in the maintenance so that the desired installations last as long as possible but also so that they develop with great generosity and freedom.
It is essential for us to continue to weave this bond of poetry that builds emotion and benefits the well-being of our society.
To this end, we take into account the new social and ecological challenges of tomorrow's landscape which are now being incorporated into the most diverse development projects: urban extensions and requalifications, business and commercial parks, and natural spaces in search meaning. Our concepts are also used in some private and exceptional gardens, or on a larger scales on territory and programming studies.
All our projects integrate the notion of sustainablility, in order to continue to create, innovate and dream while remaining attentive to the history of the places.
Humans lives in our landscapes but they are note alone ...
Paul Arene